Quartz glass |
My factory can produce optical quartz glass windows, it can
able to bear high temperature and high pressure, mostly applied to special ray
source, optical instrument, etc. It can experiment temperature up to 1200
degree, intenerate temperatures to 1730 degree. 1.JGS1( Extreme UV optical quartz glass) It is a high-purity optical quartz glass made by
oxyhydrogen flame melting. Its satisfactory UV light transmission performance
surpass all the other glass types in particular in the shortwave UV zone and
can achieve a 90% transmission rate at the wavelength of 185nm. Hence it is an
ideal choice for applications in the wavelength range of 185-2500nm. 2.JGS2 (UV optical quartz glass) It is an optical quartz glass made by oxyhydrogen
flame melting and is suggested for applications in the wavelength range of
220-2500nm. 3. JGS3 (Infrared quartz glass) It has a good performance of infrared light
transmission with a transmittance of over 85%. It is recommended for
applications in the wavelength range of 260-3500nm.